
Sermon Summary: Advent 3, 2014

From the Text (Isaiah 40:1-9) “Comfort, comfort, ye My people, Speak ye peace, thus saith our God.”  That’s from a beautiful hymn connected with this text.  Lovely tune.  It’s slow.  It’s calming.  It’s peaceful.  Life is busy and chaotic and we could all use a little more slowness and calm and peace.  We could all...

December 15, 2014December 15, 2014by

Sermon Summary: Advent 1, 2014

From the Text (Romans 13:11-14)  Romans 13:11- Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you(A) to wake from sleep – Happy New Year.  Advent is the beginning of the Church year.  This year, we want to begin by knowing the time. You, dear Christian, are the only one that really knows the...

December 8, 2014December 8, 2014by

2013-2014 Church Year

Sermon Thoughts for Luke 22:26-30, St Bartholomew, August 24, 2014 -Today is St. Bartholomew’s day.  He’s also known as Nathaniel and we should read more about him in our As We Gather.  Our Gospel text for today gives a window into the family of the disciples, a window into Batholomew’s life and here’s what we...

December 8, 2014December 8, 2014by

Sermon Summary: Advent 2, 2014

From the Text (Luke 21:25-36) We picture the world gasping for its last breath.  You see things that used to seem to work automatically begin to fail – the sun, the moon, and the stars.  The waters are in an uproar.  Like a person on his death bed, our Lord gives us this picture of...

December 8, 2014December 8, 2014by