
Sermon Summary: Lent 2, 2015

Instruction by Wrestling “Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in the way (Ps. 25:8).” This is a part of our Introit today and I want to ask this question, “How is it that our Lord instructs sinners, that is us, in his way?” And our Old Testament reading (Genesis 32:22-32) and...

February 28, 2015February 28, 2015by

Sermon Summary: The First Sunday in Lent, Feb. 21, 2015

“Church Is Boring” “Church is boring.”  You ever hear that or think that?  One of the things that Scripture does is put a pair of goggles on our eyes so that we begin to see what isn’t seen.  If we begin to see those things, church is anything but boring.  Being a Christian is anything...

February 21, 2015February 21, 2015by

Sermon Summary: February 15, 2015

Text Luke 18:31-43 and 1 Cor. 13:1-13 Two Types of Blindness In our gospel reading there are two types of blindness. One is quite easy for Jesus to reverse. “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.” Jesus speaks, creation is restored, His words become reality, and faith receives everything that Jesus says. The other...

February 14, 2015February 14, 2015by

Sermon Summary: February 8, 2015

Sermon Summary for The Second Sunday Before Lent: Luke 8:4-15 Do Not Say, “I’m Glad I’m Not The Rocky Soil” This is not a parable in which you are to ask, “Which type of soil am I?” Because, you dear Christian are all four soils. Please do not say “Boy I feel really bad for...

February 7, 2015February 7, 2015by

Sermon Summary: February 2, 2015

The Third Sunday Before Lent Staying Sensitive to Grace Dear Saints, It is very easy to become desensitized to things that we should be sensitive to.  Do you know what I mean by this?  We have this example when we’re watching TV and the once loud volume doesn’t seem to be loud enough anymore.  We’ve...

February 3, 2015February 3, 2015by

Sermon Summary: The Second Sunday after Epiphany, January 18, 2015

About the Text (John 2:1-11) Change.  It’s all over the place in our lives, in our world and in this text.  Now, we often think of change as something to be avoided, something uncertain.  But when we see this text, we see that change can be good.  Water changing into wine, empty changing into full,...

January 17, 2015January 17, 2015by

Sermon Summary: The Epiphany of our Lord, January 11, 2015

Introduction and About the Text (Matthew 2:1-12)             Our Lord’s coming brings three responses and you see these three in this reading right here.  Faith – vs. 2.  Anger – vs. 3 and Herod.  Apathy – vs. 3 and Jerusalem.  Where is the apathy?  The news has come to the Jewish people that it is...

January 10, 2015January 10, 2015by

Sermon Summary: Christmas 2, January 4, 2014

Introduction and About the Text (Matthew 2:13-22) I’m not much of a planner of sorts.  I know others who are much better at planning things down to the minute detail.  And we all know how little our plans actually matter at times.  We all have had our plans, some small and not so important, and...

January 5, 2015January 5, 2015by

Sermon for Christmas 1: December 28, 2014

Children grow up, and they do it fast.  They are not meant to stay an infant forever.  They are not meant to toddle around all their life or be completely dependent upon mom and dad all their life.  There are great joys in watching them grow up.  Smiles abound when they learn to read, when...

January 2, 2015January 2, 2015by

Sermon Summary: Advent 4, December 21, 2014

Introduction and About the Text             Most people like to talk about themselves, whether they admit it or not. There’s something ingrained about us that likes to hear our own voice and opinions.  You know this?  When someone is talking about something, you’re planning what you’re going to say. Part of this is a fear...

December 22, 2014December 22, 2014by