BIBLE STUDIES ~ Wednesday, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. 

OUR SUMMER PROGRAM, Your Worth in Christ and Your Worth to Us,” continues today.  You are encouraged to send pictures and video’s of the projects

or the children saying the memory verses to or message 812-827-9134.

OUR CHURCH IS HOSTING A FREE MASK GIVEAWAY on Saturday, September 12, 5-7 p.m. sponsored by the Black Political Caucus of Cabarrus County.

FREE MILK IN THE CHURCH REFRIGERATOR – Skim or 1%. Sell by dates range from September 7-9.  If you or someone you know can use it, please feel free to take it today or arrange for it to be taken soon. 

Please join us for the fall gathering of   THE COALITION OF LUTHERANS

IN BLACK MINISTRY “KEEPING CHRIST IN THE CRISIS!” October 3, 2020  A ZOOM video conference for the entire family! Mark your church and family calendars now  and stay tuned for more details! 

We are considering purchasing new AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT for the sanctuary and are seeking some volunteers for a small committee.  If you know  of a company to give us a bid and/or willing to serve the congregation in this way, contact Pastor, Jerome Aho, or another LLG member.  

Funding Available to Help with Energy  The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Crisis Intervention Program provides assistance to qualified, low-income households who are experiencing a cooling related crisis.  To be eligible, a household must have at least one person who meets certain criteria, including being income eligible, and have a heating or cooling related emergency. Full eligibility details are available online at


6-Mayo Caldwell

9-Henry Stout

13-Delincia Griffin

15-Jesse Bolder

18-Maddex Xavier Wallace

24-Josepine June Stout