Read Matthew 26:26-46
After instituting the Sacrament of the New Testament, the Lord’s Supper, our text says that Christ and His disciples sung a hymn. Speak about the gift of songs and God’s Word put to music. Read Ephesians 5:18-21.
Every time we receive the Lord’s Supper that Christ instituted on the night He was betrayed, what do we confess? 1 Cor. 11:26
Read John 18:1-2. Why did Judas know where to go to find Jesus? How important is it for you to have places where you often to pray and listen to God’s Word?
Christ speaks about the sheep being scattered back in Matthew 26:31. How does this come true? How will He gather them all, except Judas, after the resurrection? How does He gather you and His Church still? Read Ezekiel 34:11-16.
Christ speaks about the shepherd being struck. How does Isaiah 53:4,8 describe Jesus?
Peter is bold in his promise. How is self-confidence a dangerous thing at times?
O Lord Jesus Christ, Arch-Shepherd of our souls. You who were smitten on account of our sin, give us grace that we, as obedient little sheep, put our heart-felt trust in You and cling to You with true faith and never forsake you. Amen.
Consider some reasons why Jesus only takes with Him Peter, James and John in the Garden. He does this a couple of times, Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 5:35-43.
Read again Matthew 26:38-39 slowly and consider all the burdens Christ is bearing. Read Isaiah 53:4-5.
Read Jeremiah 25:15-16; Isaiah 51:17 & 22; Lamentations 4:21, What is that cup that Christ is getting ready to drink for us? Is there no other way?
How is Christ an example for us as He prays to God, both in how He is feeling at the moment and in what He is getting ready to experience?
How does Hebrews 5:7 describe Christ?
Christ kneels in prayer. How does Ephesians 3:14 and following describe prayer?
Christ prays, “Thy will be done.” How does Romans 8:26 describe prayer?
How all is your flesh weak, even if the Spirit is willing?
Compare the fruit of that willing Spirit with the works of our weak flesh Galatians 5:16-26.
How do you still at times fall asleep spiritually (false confidence, despair, coveting, anger, lusts)? Who always stays awake for you, on your behalf?
Christ bids us to “watch and pray.” What all do we need to watch out for (incitement of the flesh, delusions of the devil, deception of the world, etc)?
O Lord Jesus Christ, who on account of my sin sweated bloody sweat, stand by me when the cold sweat of death breaks out on me. You who were crushed under the burden of divine wrath for my sake, rescue me from the impending wrath. Help me so that I may watch and pray so that the temptations may not overpower me. Amen.