Intercession is our theme for today.
An intercessor is a go between. Someone who will speak for you, especially when you’re in need or in trouble.
Mary intercedes for the groom and the bride and the master of the feast and everyone at the feast. She see a trouble, a need and goes to Jesus for them when she says to Jesus, “They have no wine.”
Our Epistle tells us that having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them. And there are different gifts, but in common, we are to intercede to God for others. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. We have the gift of prayer, let us continue to use that gift.
And as Christians we all need assured and comforted that we have this gift, this grace of God, access to God for His help for ourselves and others only because we have a constant, steadfast and immoveable awesome intercessor in Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 7: [Jesus] is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God, through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
They have no wine.
That’s all Mary said to Jesus.
You can intercede like that. Just tell Jesus what they need or even, “Lord, they need help!”
Mary doesn’t say a whole and after that, Mary also simply says to the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.”
That’s the wisest thing I can tell you. No matter what you are going through. Do whatever He tells you.
In between Mary’s intercession and her wisdom, she is rebuked by Jesus, Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.
If you’re an intercessor, a go between between someone who can help and someone who needs help, you set yourself up to receive some rebuke sometimes.
It’s a role that has some risk to it.
You sometimes put your reputation, your time or goods on the line for that person who needs help. And you sometimes do it without knowing the full story from either party, either what the person in need has done or what the person in power already knows or has planned.
Jesus has a big plan. It’s a good plan. His hour has not yet come to defeat the enemies of sin and death for Mary and for all the people at the wedding, and for all the world.
And Jesus is a little concerned that Mary doesn’t trust that plan.
And Jesus doesn’t want Mary to be confused in thinking she can use her position as His mother to tell Him what to do here. He doesn’t call her mom in this case. There’s only two positions when it comes to Jesus. Either you have faith in Him or you don’t.
His mother and His brothers and sisters are not by blood, but are those who hear His Word and keep it.
Mary needs rebuked.
And, she receives it very well.
Just do whatever He tells you, she says to the servants.
Do whatever He tells you, dear saints.
And one of the things He tells you is to pray for others.
Having this gift, let us use it.
And it’s a gift, indeed.
Jesus always lives to make intercession for you. He died and He rose again on the third day.
He always lives to give His grace and peace and give you strength to keep praying because He keeps listening and helping in ways that you can’t see.
The wedding party didn’t know where the wine came from, only the servants knew.
Mary interceded and Jesus blessed lots and lots of people, even if not everyone knew where that blessing came from.
Jesus has a plan. And you are part of His good and big and gracious plan. He has you and you have Him.
It’s past the third day and He always lives for you and so you can intercede for others.
You are an intercessor for the people around.
You are to look at them, see the needs, and tell Jesus.
Speak for them.
They may not be speaking for themselves.
Jesus, they have no wine.
Or Jesus, they’re sick.
Or Jesus they need a job.
Or their marriage is in trouble, they are are depressed or struggle with addiction or are in pain or have trouble at school or are really not the parents or spouse or the child or worker that they ought to be.
They don’t always go the right way.
They need wisdom. They need strength. They need help.
See the need and list could go on and on and on and ask Jesus to help.
It doesn’t have to be fancy.
Jesus, help. Jesus can help and they have needs.
You are an intercessor.
You go between them and Jesus and tell Jesus what they lack, or at least what you perceive they lack, what you perceive they need in their bodies and emotions and for who they are to those around them.
And, be prepared to be rebuked sometimes.
Because we are so very often tempted to think that we know what they and what we need the most.
Jesus has a plan, it’s a big plan. And it’s a good plan.
You don’t always trust that plan for them or for yourself and neither do I and we need rebuked for that.
His desire is to save the world from sin and death and the power of the devil and we sometimes think, they have no wine, is the biggest of deals.
Receive His rebuke and press on and begin again to just do whatever He tells you.
Because the biggest of deals, the thing they always need the most is to know and believe and to trust is Jesus and His love and His salvation.
What they need above all things is the forgiveness of their sins.
What they need to know above all things is about that hour that did come.
The hour that came for Jesus to depart out of this world, having loved His own, He loved them to the end (John 13:1).
He will love them to the end and He has made them His own.
And that hour would come for the Son of Man to be lifted up from the earth and draw all people to Himself (John 12).
He always lives and desires to draw all people to Himself.
He always lives to intercede.
On the cross, He interceded with an intercession that lasts all of human history.
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do is His intercession for them, for you and for me.
Jesus is the world’s go-between and He receives the wrath we deserve for our ignorant mistakes, wrong decisions, foolish ways, and intentional evil.
He stakes His life, His blood, His name for us and for the whole world.
This priest, this high priest, this great high priest intercedes for us.
Draw strength that that promise again today.
Say, glory be to God on high, because He has not rejected our prayer or removed His steadfast love from me.
And come and see what the Lord has done for my soul.
And what a plan to save me and make me a child of God forever.
And what confidence I have all the time because of Jesus, even to pray continually for other.
We don’t always know what to pray for as we ought, but we pray, in joy that the Spirit Himself intercedes with groans too deep for words.
Let us receive our rebuke for the times we forget our own and their most pressing need – to believe in Jesus.
And thank Jesus, too, that He also turns water into wine.
He makes those lesser needs also have everything to do with Him.
Everything about you and about them, Jesus is willing to listen to and willing to help.
Draw near to God and say also, they have no wine. They lost their car keys. They’re short in supply in money or health. They are not dealing with life’s issues or the persistent pressure of the days as they should.
Draw strength today that
Hebrews 7: [Jesus] is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God, through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs;
For the Church of Christ scattered throughout the world; especially for our Synod, that God would grant wisdom and faithfulness to all who lead; let us pray to the Lord; Lord have mercy.
For faith to live in the promises of Holy Baptism, for chastity of heart and life, and strength to serve and please God. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
For those who have never heard the Gospel and for those who have forsaken the faith once delivered to the Church, that the light of God’s love in Christ may enlighten all darkness. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
For our government, especially our President, our Governor, the congress and the judiciary, that through their efforts we may be preserved from discord and strife. For the leaders of all nations that a spirit of respect and forbearance may grow among all peoples. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
For hearts that are protected from the love of money and directed by the cheerful desire to return first to God for the spread of the Gospel. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
In thanksgiving for God’s good gift of marriage. In petition that all may live together under the grace of Christ according to the Word of God. For the youth of the Church that God would keep them chaste and grant them godly spouses. For those who remain single that they would find joy and encouragement among friends faithful to God. That those widowed find fullness of life in Christ; let us pray to the Lord; Lord have mercy.
In thanksgiving for God’s good gift of wine. In petition that God’s people may use His gift in God pleasing ways with discipline and joyful gratitude. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have rmercy.
For all children still in the womb, that God would protect them from willful death by abortion; for all pregnant women, that they would value the life they bear; for fathers that they would gladly accept the responsibility to guard and cherish those whose flesh and blood they share; and for our society that we would gladly provide places of refuge for the pregnant and the unwanted. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
For those whose resources are exhausted, emotionally, physically, or financially, that God’s strength be made perfect in their weakness. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
For those who are sick, especially …. that God would grant them patience in the midst of suffering and healing and strength according to His will. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
For those who will receive Christ’s body and blood at His table this day, that they might receive from the Bridegroom His gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation, Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
In thanksgiving for those who have died in the faith. In petition that we might be faithful unto death and receive with them the crown of life, Let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.
Into your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray trusting in Your mercy; through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.