
ST PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH invites you to celebrate their 123rd Church Anniversary, today, August 2, at 3 p.m, with Minister Jerrod Drye as proclaimer.  Join in their church parking lot or by Zoom (ID: 648 232 5115; Password: 1225)

We are considering purchasing new AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT for the sanctuary and are seeking some volunteers for a small committee.  If you know  of a company to give us a bid and/or willing to serve the congregation in this way, contact Pastor, Jerome Aho, or another LLG member.  

If you or if you know of loved ones in need of prayer (death in family, sickness, discouragement, etc), please feel free to contact someone from our “Care and Concern Committee” (Marianne Jacobs, Theo Wilkerson, or Corlean Perry).  We seek to listen and pray, share words of encouragement and send cards.

PASTOR AND FAMILY will be visiting family in Indiana August 10-21.  You have 3 worship options for the Sunday he is away, August 16.

  1. Join by Zoom Sunday morning at 10 a.m. as a pre-recorded service for that Sunday will be streamed.  For those who are currently worshipping on Zoom, it will seem like nearly nothing is different.
  2. Join in person at the sanctuary as the pre-recorded service will be played over our projector and speakers.  This will also allow you to sing with any church members present.
  3. Visit our website anytime after Sunday morning to see and hear the pre-recorded service. 

God be praised for His Word and Pastor graciously thanks you for the opportunity to visit family and looks forward to being back with you soon.

OUR SUMMER PROGRAM, Your Worth in Christ and Your Worth to Us,” will continues today at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom and in person in the sanctuary.  Please continue to pray and be willing to help.  We are thankful for all our volunteers and the generosity that has been shown.

BIBLE STUDIES ~ Wednesday, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. 

Kannapolis Will Host Free Face Covering Distribution Events this Monday and Tuesday, 5-7 p.m.  It is a drive-thru distribution near the front entrance of City Hall, 401 Laureate Way.


Funding Available to Help with Energy  The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Crisis Intervention Program provides assistance to qualified, low-income households who are experiencing a cooling related crisis.  To be eligible, a household must have at least one person who meets certain criteria, including being income eligible, and have a heating or cooling related emergency. Full eligibility details are available online at


8/2 – Elizabeth Ford                                    8/9 – Dorothy Gill

8/15 – Verbeanur Griffin                8/16 – Adarrius Brown

8/16 – Adonnance Brown               8/16 – Patricia Flowe

8/17 – Makenzie Metz                    8/21 – Carisma Carson

8/24 – Thomas Griffin                     8/26 – Dorothea Marie Stout

8/28 – Hazel Johnson                      8/26 – Aiden Sherrill