
OUR SUMMER PROGRAM, Your Worth in Christ and Your Worth to Us,” will began today at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom and in person in the sanctuary.  Please continue to pray and be willing to help.  We are thankful for all our volunteers and the generosity that has been shown.

ST PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH invites you to celebrate their 123rd Church Anniversary, August 2, at 3 p.m, with Minister Jerrod Drye as proclaimer.  Join in their church parking lot or by Zoom (ID: 648 232 5115; Password: 1225)

We are considering purchasing new AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT for the sanctuary and are seeking some volunteers for a small committee.  If you know  of a company to give us a bid and/or willing to serve the congregation in this way, contact Pastor, Jerome Aho, or another LLG member.   

If you or if you know of loved ones in need of prayer (death in family, sickness, discouragement, etc), please feel free to contact someone from our “Care and Concern Committee” (Marianne Jacobs, Theo Wilkerson, or Corlean Perry).  We seek to listen and pray, share words of encouragement and send c  1 cards. 

WEDNESDAY EVENING, 7 p.m. ~ will now be a Zoom and in person Bible Study, rather than a brief service with Holy Communion.  Holy Communion is still offered by individual appointment with Pastor Stout (812-827-9134 or or on Sundays, 10 a.m.

3 CARSEATS have been donated to the church and are free for the taking.  Be invited to look at them and take them for yourself or someone who could use one.  

LCMS Black Ministry Newsletter Timeline available at entrance and in sanctuary and on our website. Click here


1 – Zalyla K’Marie Payne 7/1    1-Billye Ruth Dupree

3-Theo Wilkerson           4-Amillya Griffin

6-Dianne Caldwell 7-Fredda B Peay

11-Robert Mack 11 – Lazarus Stout

14-Solomon Stout 20-Marshall Johnson Jr.

24-Micah Grier 24-Carolyn Moore