John 16: 7Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. 8And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:  

So, is it Mother’s Day or Mothers’ Day? 

[…You didn’t hear the difference, because all I did was move the apostrophe.  But the question is, is today about all mothers?  Or is it about your mother?] 

Are you to celebrate God’s gift of motherhood and the life and provision and sacrifice and comfort and wisdom that God gives to the world through mothers?   

Or, are you to celebrate that God gave you a mother?  And how God used her to give you life and gifts of body and soul? 

 I do think the answer is “yes.”   

This day is about my mom, but even for me, it’s kind of about your mom, too.  I thank God for you and the life God gave you through your mom, and also especially I thank God for your faith in Jesus, and mom likely had a big part in implanting that Word of truth into you.   

My mom certainly did for me. 

Jesus today has a considering a similar question.   

Is our Christian particular – my faith, my Savior, my sin, my forgiveness? 

Or is it universal – Jesus is the Savior of the world? 

And of course, the answer is yes. 

God so loved the world…. 

And, today, we especially consider that after Jesus goes to the Father – that is shorthand for His death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus said He would send the Spirit, the Helper, and He would come and convict the world concerning sin, righteousness and judgment. 

9concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; 10concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no longer; 11concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. 

God so loves the world that He gives His unto death and He also gives His Spirit to the world to work His universal work repentance and faith.  For it is God’s great desire for all to be saved and come the knowledge of His truth and grace. 

And thank God for the Holy Spirit’s work for in world, and we rejoice in that,  

but let’s particularly rejoice in the Spirit’s work on you, particularly you, particularly today, particularly now. 

He works to convict you of your sin. 

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Helper – that is He stands beside you, even working in you, right now – through His Word. 

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth, that He guides you into all truth – … 18Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth (James 1:)….  

God wants to world to know the truth about sin as well as righteousness and judgment. 

God wants you to know the truth about sin and righteousness and judgment, especially because you are in the world and you hear so much from the world. 

And here’s the thing about what you are hearing in the world about sin, righteousness and judgment, 

The world is wrong. 

The world needed and needs saved. 

And the world needed and needs taught. 

So you, particularly you, must listen to God’s Word, what He speaks to you about sin, righteousness, and judgment

The world may teach that sin is just weakness. There are some things that can help your weaknesses, but your sin is deeper than that. 

The world may teach that sin is just ignorance.  Learning some things can help you, but your sin is deeper than that. 

The Holy Spirit teaches you, and the world, about the truth of sin. 

The Spirit elsewhere in Scripture teaches the truth and calls sin enmity with God (while we were yet enemies…).   

The Spirit elsewhere in Scripture teaches the truth and calls us dead in our sin and trespasses.   

The Spirit elsewhere in Scripture teaches the truth and says we are blind, lost, helpless. 

And connected to all this – Jesus says this today, 

The Spirit convicts the world of sin, because, Jesus says, they do not believe in me. 

Sin is rooted in unbelief. 

And especially in this unbelief, the world does not believe the most important thing about sin, this is the most important thing about sin the Spirit teaches you – that Jesus takes it away. 

That the Son of God has come, not to condemn the world, but to save the world. 

That Jesus came, not to bring the wrath of God upon the dark world, but to bring light and salvation and peace into the world. 

Jesus is the payment.  Jesus suffered the consequences. Jesus takes it away. 

But the world does not believe that, and so the wrath of God remains on them, they remain in darkness, and they are judged on this rejection. 

But as the Spirit worlds on the world, He especially works in you. 

He convicts you of your sin – bringing you to repentance and faith in the One who has come and is coming right now to take it away. 

That is where those two other convictions of the Spirit come in – that of righteousness and judgment. 

The Spirit declares to you that because Jesus has gone to the Father – died, rose, and ascended – you are righteous. 

The Spirit takes what is Jesus is declares it to you.  His innocence, His righteousness, His purity – is declared to you. 

And in hearing that, the Spirit works in you, faith. 

You believe. 

These things are written that you may believe. 

…know and believe the love that God has for us…(1 John 4:16) 

Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me, Jesus says. 

The Holy Spirit works that in you again today. 

And the Holy Spirit convinces you that the ruler of the world is judged. 

You aren’t judged.  The devil is.  Your accuser is cast out.  Satan is told that he cannot accuse you because your righteousness comes from Christ. 

That universal work of the Spirit is worked again on you today.  Particular you. 

So, as you celebrate Mother’s Day or Mothers’ Day – thank God for the worlds mothers and especially your mother. 

And thank God He gives the world His Spirit, and especially that He gives You His Spirit, to work repentance and faith and confidence in God’s love, particularly for you.