John 12: 13So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” 

Perhaps now, more than ever in your life, you are aware of the danger of your comings and goings.   

You don’t know if you have it, and so you don’t know who might infect. 

You don’t know who has it, and so you don’t know who might infect you and what that might do to you and others you love that you come into contact with. 

For now, the orders are to stay, not come or go anywhere unless it’s of absolute necessity.  Keep your distance.  It’s safer that way for you and others around you. 

Through our Readings today, our Jesus gathers us together in and around Him, 

And through His Word today He remind us that He is not distant, but near and close 

And through His Word today He comes into contact with us, and this is absolutely necessary, because only in Him and with Him are we safe, 

And through His Word today, we become more aware of His comings and goings, 

And that He is a God, not who stays, but who comes, 

Hosanna!  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. 

That’s how our church service began!   

And we need that reminder, when we feel so isolated and distant and helpless and scared. 

Blessed is He who comes, to us! In the name of the Lord. 

But as much as we need that reminder in how our church service began, we also need the rest of today’s service. 

Because there was a shift: 

The cries of Hosanna turned into crucify, crucify. 

The praises turned into mocks. 

The disciples turned into cowards. 

The palm branches turned into whips and nail and cross. 

He came, but it was dangerous for Him to come. 

Who has it?  Who is infected?  We all are.  And He knows that by coming He will get, too. 

But it is absolutely necessary for Him to save us – to Him to answer our cries for Him to Hosanna, to save us! 

With each spit, He became infected with our guilt and shame. 

With each mock, He took on our rebellion and unbelief. 

With each garment stripped, He took on our anger and greed. 

With each hour He hung, as it became more and more difficult to breath, 

He who knew no sin, became sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God. 

It was not safe for Him to come, but it was of absolute necessity.   

If He would have kept Himself at a safe distance, then we could not be near Him, now or forever.   

But we are, we draw near to Him again today, with cleansed heart. 

And blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. 

The Passion of Jesus Christ, His living Word that records the true history of His trials,  

Of the crowd choosing Barabbas instead of Him,  

Of His crucifixion, death,  

The earthquake and confession of the centurion that “Truly, this was the Son of God,” places us back into the safety of God. 

He comes to do that for you again today. 

You are safe nowhere else other than in Him and His righteousness and in God’s promises made for you in your baptism. 

He saved you. 

He chose you. 

When you are in front of the judge and on trial, you are found in Christ to be innocent, there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. 

Though earthquake and plague come and heaven and earth will pass away, His Words will not pass away. 

And all we like sheep have gone astray, but blessed is He who comes again today to gather us safely unto Himself. 

Blessed is He who came for us to die our death. 

Blessed is He who comes for us to strengthen us in this life and faith. 

Blessed is He who will come again for us to take us out of the life and safely into His heavenly kingdom. 

Blessed is He who became our cure when He became infected with our sin. 

And He who took on our guilt and shame so that we become clothed with righteousness and innocence, 

And He who breathed His last and then took His life back and breathes into us the breathe eternal life through His Word again today. 

Breathe Him in again.  He is your life and your hope and your joy and comfort.  He is your Savior, your very near to you, close you, Savior.  You are not safe without Him.